Smelting of Awareness or Redefining of Torture

From inside Israel Gilboa prison Waleed Nimer, accurately wrote his book "Smelting of Awareness". He lived twenty-five years in detention, and his harsh and unjust experience taught him that Palestine is the first issue of the prisoners for which he was originally captured.


From inside Israel Gilboa prison Waleed Nimer, accurately wrote his book "Smelting of Awareness". He lived twenty-five years in detention, and his harsh and unjust experience taught him that Palestine is the first issue of the prisoners for which he was originally captured.

Title: Melting of Awareness or Redefinition of Torture
Author: Waleed Nimer
Presented by: Azmi Bishara
Series: Al Jazeera Papers
Pages: 87
Publisher: Al Jazeera Centre for Studies and Arab Scientific Publishers
Year: 2010