Youth Platform: Calling to the youth to participate in ALJazeera 8th Forum

A‎l Jazeera Centre for Studies is organizing the Al Jazeera 8th Forum during 26-28 May 2014 in Doha under the title "Change in the Arab World: Where To?" ‎

The Forum invites youth from the Arab World and beyond to participate by submitting their proposals for the organization of 3 special activities related to political, media or other issues relevant to young people as part of the overall ‎program of the Forum.‎
‎ ‎
The Youth Platform, introduced by Al Jazeera Centre for Studies, gives opportunity to young ‎people of all backgrounds to contribute to deepening the debate among themselves ‎about issues of importance to them in the context of the current transformations in the Arab world.

Terms of Participation

  • Applications are to be submitted in Arabic or English by filling the registration form (Please click here to download) on the Centre's website (‎, with a copy of the applicant's passport. 
  • The theme of the proposal should be consistent with the main title of this year's forum. ‎
  • The proposal should take into account the time allocated for each activity ‎‎(not to exceed two hours for each session). 
  • Participants should be no more than 35 years of age. ‎
  • The proposal can combine participants from more than one country, either individually or through‎ members of no more than 4 per group. ‎
  • The deadline for submitting proposals is Thursday, 27 March 2014.

Means of Participation

  • The proposal should be sent in a Word document to  ‎
  • A referee committee will evaluate the submitted proposals and announce the results ‎on Thursday, 10th April 2014. ‎
  • The Youth Platform team will contact the owners of the approved contributions to ‎coordinate implementation. ‎
  • The Forum has the right to merge proposals ‎whether in form or implementation. ‎
  • Al Jazeera Centre for Studies has the right to publish and re-publish the papers presented at ‎the Platform. ‎
  • The forum will cover travel (economy class tickets) and accommodation (4-nights hotel rooms in Doha) for those whose contributions are approved.

For further information, please contact the Youth Platform team at: