European Public Perception on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Al Jazeera Centre for Studies launched a report on the results of a survey aimed to gauge "European public perceptions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict", on 13 March 2011 as part of the 6th Al Jazeera Forum.

Al Jazeera Centre for Studies launched a report on the results of a survey aimed to gauge "European public perceptions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict", on 13 March 2011 as part of the 6th Al Jazeera Forum.

The survey was conduct by the polling institution ICM Government and Social Research Unit, on behalf of Al Jazeera Centre for Studies (AJCS), Middle East Media Observatory (MEMO), and European Muslim Research Center (EMRC).

The purpose of the study was to provide an accurate picture of the extent to which the European public understand the fundamental aspects of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The study involved more than seven thousand people across six European countries including Britain, France and Spain, the Netherlands, Germany and Italy.

The study has proved to be useful for decision makers, advocates of Palestinian rights, the media, and researchers and academics, as it helps to understand how the conflict is perceived.

A few of the most salient points drawn out from the study include the following:

  • 50% believe that being critical of Israel does not make a person anti-Semitic; 
  • 70% believe that the pro-Israel lobby influences the media;
  • 67% believe that the pro-Israel lobby influences the political agenda;
  • 58% believe that European law should not be changed to make it easier for those accused of war crimes to visit Europe;
  • 65% believe that Israel does not treat all religious groups equally;
  • 45% believe that Hamas should be included in peace talks between Israel and Palestine;
  • 41% believe that Israel's oppression of the Palestinians is one of the biggest obstacles to the peace process in the Middle East;
  • 40% believe that Israeli settlements are major obstacles to peace in the Middle East;
  • 51% think of the Gaza Strip when they hear the phrase "Israeli-Palestinian conflict";
  • 34% believe that Israel is not democratic, in contrast to 65% who believe that Israel is democratic;
  • 13% believe that Israel is the biggest threat to world peace, compared to only 7% who believed the same thing about the Palestinians;
  • 53% are aware that the Israeli economic blockade on the Gaza Strip is illegal;
  • 64% reported that the Israeli armed response against the Freedom Flotilla carrying food supplies to the Gaza Strip in May 2010 was not legal;
  • 60% believe that the process of Israeli ground military incursion in the Gaza Strip during the winter of 2008-2009 was illegal;
  • 48% believe that Israel is using the history of the suffering of the Jewish people in Europe to attract public support;
  • 39% believe that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is fuelling "Islamophobia" in Europe;
  • 54% believe that Jerusalem should be a neutral international city.

The results of the survey can be found in the table attached below. The full version prepared by ICM as well as the analytical study on the outcome of the poll, prepared by Dr. David, Dr. Abdullah Shehata and Dr. Zainab of MEMO is also found below.

 Public Perceptions of the Israel Palestine Conflict

 Please find the full PDF document here.

 European Public Perceptions of the Israel Palestine Conflict

 Please find the full PDF document here.

 European Public Perceptions of the Israel Palestine Conflict_online fieldwork

 Please find the full PDF documnet here.