Global power shifts are strategically and politically significant, as normally they are rare and chronologically well-spaced out. Global power shifts tend to displace or restructure existing international orders and are therefore prone to generating strategic and political turbulence.
The global strategic landscape and political and financial structures so far have been dominated by the United States and Europe. Asia remained dominated by European colonisation for nearly two centuries and was thereafter dominated by the United States comprehensively and strategically for another century.
Asia’s economic resurgence and cumulative financial strengths over the last two decades have largely contributed to the global shift of power to Asia. Today, Asia overshadows the United States and Europe in economic and financial strength. This has greatly contributed to Asia’s growing political leverages internationally.
In tandem with Asia’s economic resurgence has taken place the fast-track military modernisation and expansion of Asian military capabilities. The continued growth of Asian economic, political and military strengths have contributed to the emergence of Asia’s leading countries – China, India and Japan – as global players on an ascending trajectory.