AJCS webinar to shed light on Ethiopia's Tigray Conflict and explore domestic and regional implications


Al Jazeera Centre for Studies and Al Jazeera Mubasher are hosting a webinar entitled, “The Domestic Effects and Regional Implications of Ethiopia’s Tigray Conflict,” on Monday, 30 November 2020, at 6:00 pm Mecca standard time. The webinar will be aired lived on Al Jazeera Mubasher and live-streamed on AJCS’s digital platforms. It will include an elite group of researchers and experts.

The webinar is set to discuss the reasons behind the escalation of political dispute between Addis Ababa and the Tigray region for over two years to the direct military confrontation that took place at the beginning of this month. It will also shed light on the motives that prompted the Tigray region to hold its own elections despite the federal government’s decision to postpone general elections in the country due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The seminar will also look into who is behind the current crisis and present its effects on the Renaissance Dam negotiations and the dispute between Ethiopia and Egypt and Sudan. 


Furthermore, it will pose questions about whether Ethiopia has gone from being “a model state” in Africa in terms of rapid developmental rise and political reform to a state threatened by internal strife; and participants will touch on the impact of Ethiopia’s state on the Horn of Africa.

Those interested can watch the webinar on the following digital platforms:

Facbook -Twitter - Soundcloud - Youtube -Instagram