As Al Jazeera is set to mark its 25th anniversary on 1 November 2021, Al Jazeera Centre for Studies (AJCS) is organising a seminar entitled, “Al Jazeera 25 years on: What has changed in Arab and global media?” in collaboration with Al Jazeera Mubasher on 31 October 2021 at 7:00 pm. The seminar, which will take place at Al Jazeera Media Institute Auditorium in Doha, brings together a group of media researchers, academics and experts.
The seminar will highlight the experience of Al Jazeera Media Network, and speakers will discuss how the network’s several outlets managed to cope with the changes in the media environment while holding firm to its editorial policies.
In addition, the seminar will explore Al Jazeera’s regional effect, as well as how the Arab state-run and private media systems in the region have developed, in form and substance, in the context of their competition with Al Jazeera.
Furthermore, speakers will analyse the impact of Al Jazeera on public awareness, especially after it had succeeded in ending the long-established monopoly of Western media on the flow of information, which had been flowing one-sidedly from North to South.
The event will conclude by looking into the future of Al Jazeera and Arab media in general, under the rapid technological developments that changed the way the audience interact with and influence the media content, rather than just consume it. In this new environment, audiences, in many cases, create and circulate the content themselves.
This seminar is the first in-person event in nearly two years after the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions have been eased. It will be broadcast on Al Jazeera Mubasher as well as AJCS’s social media platforms. Online access to the event will be available through the links below:
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