Dr. Roxane Farmanfarmaian, Affiliated Lecturer at the Political and International Studies Department at the University of Cambridge, and Wayne Owen Middle East Scholar at the Hinckley Institute of Politics at the University of Utah, joined Al Jazeera Center for Studies as its first Visiting Fellow. An expert on Iran and Middle Eastern politics, she was the editor for several years of the Cambridge Review of International Affairs, is a frequent public speaker on regional events (most recently as a panelist for Intelligence Squared and the Global Policy Institute, both in London), and has had commentary regularly published on the opinion pages of Al Jazeera English Online. While in Doha, she was involved in the English unit of AJCS, contributed to televised debates on Syria and Iran for both the English and Arabic channels of Al Jazeera, and presented a talk on Iran's nuclear strategy for the community at large.
Dr. Farmanfarmaian was with the Center until mid-August 2012.