The Russian military Intervention in Syria: Its Implications and Consequences, was the topic of a lecture that Al Jazeera Center for Studies hosted on Monday , 19 October, 2015. The lecture was followed by more than (4,463,778), on Twitter, the Tag (Hachtag) and other Al-Jazeera interactive social media venues, especially Facebook. Also, the event triggered approximately two million (1.92921 million) posts and republished comments on Twitter.
The “timing of the lecture, the sensitivity of the topic, and the proper publicity for the event” attributed to this success, said “Mohammed Mehdai,” The Head of the Publishing Section at Al Jazeera Centre for Studies. The early notification we worked so hard to send and the emotional trauma the Syrian subject carries in the hearts and minds of so many contributed to this “ground breaking achievement” noted Mehdai.
Six noted scholars and experts participated in the forum: Michael Kelio, a noted Syrian writer and key opposition leader; the renowned Saudi journalist: Jamal Khashoqgi; Bashir Nafie a distinguished Palestinian historian; Louay Safi , the former pokes person of the Syrian Coalition and a current professor of political science at Hamad University in Qatar: Ghalib Dalai; a Turkish expert and researcher and the Former Grand Mufti of Al-Qaeda; Sheikh Mahfouz Walad Al-Walid (Abu Hafs Al-Mauritanian). The event was attended by notable journalists, diplomates, activities, scholars, and researcher.