AJCS Co-convenes an International Conference with JHU in Washington

7 June 2018
[Al Jazeera]

The Gulf and the Middle East are suffering a paroxysm of conflict involving virtually all the regional states as well as the United States, Russia and many different non-state actors. What dynamics are driving this chaos? What can be done to contain or reverse the damage? How might a new balance of power emerge?

From this perspective, Al Jazeera Centre for Studies (AJCS) and Johns Hopkins University’s School for Advanced International Studies (SAIS) are hosting an international conference entitled, “Shaping a New Balance of Power in the Middle East: Regional Actors, Global Powers, and Middle East Strategy”, on 12 June 2018. The one-day conference includes several panels to address the dynamics of political geography in the Middle East, non-state actors and shadow politics, the sustainability of the balance of power, and the shifting roles of extra-regional powers.

Participants are scholars, analysts and diplomats from the Gulf, Middle East, North Africa, Turkey, the United States, including Daniel Serwer, Director of Conflict Management Program at SAIS; Ezzeddine Abdelmoula, Manager of Research, Al Jazeera Centre for Studies; Ross Harrison, Senior Fellow Middle East Institute; Kadir Ustun, Executive Director of SETA Foundation; Khalid al Jaber, Director of the Gulf International Forum; Suzanne Maloney, Deputy Director of Center for Middle East Policy and Energy Security and Climate Initiative at Brookings Institution; Paul Salem, Senior Vice President for Policy Research & Programs, Middle East Institute; Randa Slim, Director of Conflict Resolution and Track II Dialogues Program, Middle East Institute; Dror Michman, Visiting Fellow at the Foreign Policy Program and Center for Middle East Policy, Brookings Institution; Anour Boukhars, Associate Professor of International Relations at McDaniel College; Fatima Abo Alasrar, Senior Analyst at the Arabia Foundation; Ian Crispin Smith, Harvard Law School; Mohammed Cherkaoui, Al Jazeera Centre for Studies and George Mason University; Jamal Khashoggi, an independent writer; P. Terrence Hopmann, Professor of International Relations, SAIS, Conflict Management Program; Camille Pecastaing, Middle East Studies Program at SAIS; and Hussein Ibish of the Arab Gulf States Institute.

Tuesday June 12, 2018 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM (Washington Time)

Johns Hopkins University’s School for Advanced International Studies (SAIS)

Kenney Auditorium

1740 Massachusetts Ave., NW

Washington, DC 20036