On Wednesday, 8 July 2020, Al Jazeera Centre for Studies hosted Dr. Hani al-Masri, Director General of the Palestinian Centre for Policy Research and Strategic Studies (Masarat) in an online roundtable discussion to discuss Israel’s annexation of lands in the West Bank and the Jordan Valley and its implications on the Palestinian cause.
Al-Masri spoke about a number of issues including annexation in the Zionist doctrine and Israeli political practice; when and how it would be carried out; and whether it would be symbolic and limited, vast and extensive, or even silent and gradual to avoid Palestinian and international reactions.
He also addressed expected Palestinian, Arab and International reactions to this project and presented his vision of how to trigger and invest them politically.
The session also presented the issue of active Arab normalisation, especially by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and its role in and impact on the annexation project.
Furthermore, it discussed the two-state solution versus the one-state solution and autonomy; and the capabilities and possibilities of the solution of a national Palestinian authority and its collapse or reinforcement, and the change of its functions.
Finally, the session analysed the importance and centrality of the Palestinian national unity government and assessed the united campaign announced recently and whether or not it will endure. In addition, it evaluated the different forms of resistance, including peaceful and armed, and the pros of each in the current stage and the medium and long terms.