Egypt after the Second Wave of Protests

From Friday, July 8th, to Tuesday, August 2nd, Egypt experienced a second wave of what were mass protests at times, and less massive at other times. The Fridays between the two dates witnessed large rallies in Tahrir Square and the squares in other major cities...

Al Jazeera Centre for Studies

12september 2011

From Friday, July 8th, to Tuesday, August 2nd, Egypt experienced a second wave of what were mass protests at times, and less massive at other times. The Fridays between the two dates witnessed large rallies in Tahrir Square and the squares in other major cities. In Tahrir Square, there was also a continuous sit-in that was initiated by a significant number of activists and families of martyrs. The number decreased quickly to a few scores, though it was not broken up without the intervention of military police and central security forces...