News Archive

Introductory seminar on AJCS publications in Arabic Book Fair in EU

31 August 2020

Al Jazeera Centre for Studies is participating in the Arabic Book Fair in Europe, set to take place in Sweden, with a webinar entitled, “An introduction to AJCS publications & Discussion of Qatar’s Resilien…

AJCS explores the implications of Israel’s annexation of the West Bank and the Jordan Valley

14 July 2020

AJCS hosted Dr. Hani al-Masri, Director General of the Palestinian Centre for Policy Research and Strategic Studies (Masarat) in an online roundtable discussion to discuss Israel’s annexation of lands in the We…

AJCS launches its Lubab magazine 5th edition 

13 February 2020

The newly-established magazine Lubab has devoted its fifth number to two set of strategic and media related themes: